Get Involved!
There are lots of ways to join our team.
Join our social media network.
Sign up for our e-newsletter at the bottom of this page.
Submit a blog as a guest blogger or a survivor blogger.
Survivors of sexual crimes are invited to join our Jane Doe No More private Facebook group JDNM Survivors.
Secondary Survivors of sexual crimes are invited to join our Jane Doe No More private Facebook group JDNM Secondary Survivors.
Volunteer or intern on small or big projects.
Give a "Gift from your Heart".
Share Your Expertise
Grant Writing
Social Media
Program Opportunities
Host a Community Event in your area at a business, club or a neighborhood gathering in your home.
Host or participate in our women and girls’ self-defense class through our Escape Alive Survival Skills® Program.
Host an interactive educational presentation for students through our Safe Student Initiative.
Host a first responder training through our Duty Trumps Doubt Program.
Speak out and join our Survivors Speak Outreach Team by participating in our Survivors Speak workshops (survivors only).
Thank you for your interest and support!
Contact us for more details to get involved.
Event Participation
Host a 3rd Party FUNdraiser to help us further our mission in your community.
Participate in our events which you will find on our Events Calendar.
Volunteer or join an Event Committee.
Attend our Annual Gala in the spring or our Annual Golf Tournament in the fall.
Business Collaboration and Sponsorships
Sponsor an event or program.
Participate in an event.
Host an event at your venue.
Donate raffle and silent auction items or services.
Add Jane Doe No More to your Corporate Match Program for employee donations and volunteer hours.