Wishing You and Your Family and Friends
a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!
Please consider supporting our vital mission
with a year-end gift.
All of our programs are free to participants.
Our work is transformational and we can’t do it without you!
Empowering survivors of sexual crimes to find their voice, advance their healing and educate others.
Survivor-led Programs
Education | Prevention | Advocacy | Support
We envision a society that no longer spreads doubt,
instills fear, casts shame or places blame on survivors of sexual crimes.
A Time to Celebrate
and Give Thanks!
Board members, survivors, staff, volunteers and supporters gathered together for our annual holiday party at Verdi’s Restaurant.
Our team is growing, along with our programs, and we are grateful for everyone who works tirelessly each day to support our mission.
Thank you all!
Keeping Students Safe
Megan and Nikkie, Jane Doe No More Survivors Speak Outreach Team members, recently spoke to school students about healthy relationships as part of our Safe Student Initiative program.
“The students enjoyed the presentation and were engaged. Overall, it was well received. Your volunteers are amazing.”
Our Safe Student Initiative is available for students from middle school through college on a variety of topics that can be customized.
Podcast Series
Jane Doe No More has chosen to talk about an epidemic that has plagued the world for centuries. Sexual crimes are the most misunderstood and under-reported crimes on the planet. We've set out to change that.
Get ready to be inspired!
Jocelyn interviews Daniel Kaye about the challenges older adults face when discussing past abuse. Daniel Kaye has worked with older adults in a variety of settings for two decades, in nonprofit, volunteer, and governmental venues.
Daniel sheds light on the complexities of processing past trauma, emphasizing personal healing, finding supportive communities, and respecting individuals’ autonomy while navigating these conversations.
Tune in to this month’s podcast now!
Jocelyn Maminta is a former journalist, a philanthropist and an entrepreneur. Over her distinguished broadcast career, the Emmy Award-nominated medical reporter has anchored and reported for television stations in Texas, North Carolina, Milwaukee, and Connecticut.
John Doe No More Initiative
Breaking the stigma of sexual crimes perpetrated against men and boys
Brad, David, Vinnie and Troy, members of our
Jane Doe No More Survivors Speak Outreach Team
“Being a part of Jane Doe No More gives me a sense of community where everyone understands and is there for one another.”
— Vinnie
You are not alone and
it is not your fault.
1 in 6 boys will be the
victim of sexual abuse
by the time they are
18 years old.
Find resources including articles, blogs, interviews, books and more…